
Our discussion of language covers three major areas. One is general introduction on language; two is the development of linguistic ability (subjects are child), and; three is developed cognitive module for language (subjects are adults).

Part 1, --general introduction-- covers definition, two functions, three elements, and two fundamental aspects of language.

Part 2 --language development-- covers the investigations of the original onset of language in babies, the step-by-step emergence of linguistic behavior of children (among others, in relation to Piaget’s cognitive development theory), and the phenomenon of bilingualism --children who are enviromentally exposed to two languages-- and its effect on three interesting higher mental processes (i.e. metalinguistic awareness, cognitive control, and problem solving and creativity).

Part 3 --developed cognitive language module-- covers two means of language comprehension: (1) speech perception (auditory) and; (2) reading comprehension (visual). Important aspects of speech perception discussion are the significance of coarticulation as a unique characteristic of speech perception, and; three theories of speech perception. Reading comprehension occurs via two subprocesses: (1) lexical process, and (2) comprehension process. Objective of lexical process is perception of words, while that of comprehension process is understanding of message.

Additionally we will discuss about speech acts, only when the time permits.

Try-out Question (4)

(topic: perception)
a. Jelaskan salah satu teori color-blind
b. Perkirakan dampak color-blind terhadap aspek sosial seseorang.

1. All questions are sample
2. It is more important to acquire the answering-skill than information-collecting-skill.
3. We have one week to do so.
4. Feel free to write your own original answer (in comment field)
5. Feel free for everyone to ask and comment on anyone's answer
6. Ewa and I will try to guide our discussion.
7. Good luck with all your mid-term exams.

Try-out Question (3)

(topic: attention)
Anda akan membuat poster publikasi acara di kampus. Menggunakan salah satu teori atensi, ceritakan apa saja (hanya satu juga boleh) yang akan anda pertimbangkan (bukan berarti anda menggambar) tentang poster tersebut!

1. All questions are sample
2. It is more important to acquire the answering-skill than information-collecting-skill.
3. We have one week to do so.
4. Feel free to write your own original answer (in comment field)
5. Feel free for everyone to ask and comment on anyone's answer
6. Ewa and I will try to guide our discussion.
7. Good luck with all your mid-term exams.

Try-out Question (2)

(topic: long-term memory)
Berikan ilustrasi proses kongnitif skema seseorang investigator kriminalitas mengusut suatu kasus.

1. All questions are sample
2. It is more important to acquire the answering-skill than information-collecting-skill.
3. We have one week to do so.
4. Feel free to write your own original answer (in comment field)
5. Feel free for everyone to ask and comment on anyone's answer
6. Ewa and I will try to guide our discussion.
7. Good luck with all your mid-term exams.

Try-out Question (1)

(topic: vygotysky and piaget)
Jelaskan* perbedaan pendapat antar Piaget dan Vugotsky tentang 'lokasi' pengetahuan.
* (bukan sekedar menyebutkan secara terpisah, tapi membandingkan)

1. All questions are sample
2. It is more important to acquire the answering-skill than information-collecting-skill.
3. We have one week to do so.
4. Feel free to write your own original answer (in comment field)
5. Feel free for everyone to ask and comment on anyone's answer
6. Ewa and I will try to guide our discussion.
7. Good luck with all your mid-term exams.